Death tokenProject Smart Contracts Audit Review
Reviewed and audited by AUDIT-SC

The Death Token Smart Contract has been analyzed by our Auditing Experts. The Death Token Smart Contract passed all our criterias and has been approved by AUDIT-SC. The only points that we found were informative gas optimization recommendations.
The Death token Masterchef Smart Contract has been analyzed by our Auditing Experts. The Death Masterchef Smart Contract passed all our criterias and has been approved by AUDIT-SC. The only points that we found were informative gas optimization recommendations.
The Death TimeLock Smart Contract has been analyzed by our Auditing Experts. Death TimeLock Smart Contract passed all our criterias and has been approved by AUDIT-SC. The only points that we found were informative gas optimization recommendations.
The Death Token project is marked as a safe project by AUDIT-SC. Our conclusion is that the Smart Contracts do not contain any critical concerns. We have done several scans and manually reviewed every line of code in the smart contracts that were provided by Sandman Finance.
Death Token: 0x214188993b36bD8cD15f805Adee9eb49fD80BA74
MasterChef: 0x06Aeddc58d6148ECF2F199Bd0f57876e5f94Bcb8
TimeLock: 0x7C9d08B8e327FbB6f8F9A6Dd0244885AA8bEeAfe